John Bowen Pole Work & Jumping Clinic
Above image Hilary French on Elvis at Clinic
Around 6 times a year we organise a Polework and Jumping clinic with John Bowen. These have been going for 3 years now and remain a popular part of member’s training.
John trains riders in all disciplines from grass roots to international level. John has trained Jeanette Brakewell for the last 11 years, the rider of Over to You and one of Team GB – and currently has a horse competing himself with Jeanette. He was also Irish National Eventing Team Coach for Young Riders and Juniors – training individual gold and silver medallists. He has competed to Grand Prix in dressage and evented internationally. John takes clinics at roughly every two months where riders can enjoy his charm and wit while working hard on correct methods of training. A word of warning: just don’t click to your horse!