Comments from the Chair

Above Laura Vandervleit © SMR Photos

Hello and Happy New Year,

At last  2022 returned to normality. We ran a normal winter championship, congratulations to all our winners All results are on the website (

as well as a summer series, again congratulations to our champions.

Then straight into the winter series, do remember to check your qualification status as well as your position in the points league.

In addition to competition riding its really important to continue to find new ideas and inspiration to improve our riding and we continue to run clinics In preparation for competitions  including Test and Train clinics witch help improve your test riding and therefore your marks, particularly good for those new to the sport.

Do come along and try these clinics, pick up some hints, tips and new ways of working with your horse, and keep your eyes on the website and Facebook page for more information.

I also want to say Thank You to Colleen Taylor who does such a tremendous job co-ordinating all our teams. It can be quite a thankless task and takes quite a lot of time too.

We successfully ran both summer qualifier at Berwick Farm and winter qualifier and combined training at Brook Farm n for the Liason Area 8.

Team events are great fun so please contact Colleen if you would like to be considered.

Please do remember to renew your membership for another great year of riding in 2023:

Don’t forget our winter league – there is always plenty of silverware  and lovely rosettes and sashes to win at the Championships.

I look forward to seeing you soon

Best wishes

Laura Vandervleit

