- Next show is on 2024 is on 26th June
- Please remember to renew membership for 2024 - via BRC website.
You now have to renew your membership online through British Riding Clubs
Welcome to Essendon & Epping Forest Dressage Group (EEFDG)
We are an affiliated riding club and have been around for more than 30 years. Based at Woodlands, near Chingford, Essex, we have an active membership and are one of the largest in Area 8 of the British Riding Clubs, with members from London, Essex and Hertfordshire. An affiliated BRC club we exist to provide support and encouragement to amateur riders of all levels. We regularly have teams competing at regional and national BRC events and hold our own dressage leagues, with summer and winter championships as well as expert clinics, Test and Train events and British Dressage (BD) shows. You don’t need to be a member in order to participate in our shows, so get in touch and give it a go, we are a friendly bunch and look forward to meeting you.

Above Laura Vandervleit © SMR Photos

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